3017 Posts DLRS Job Circular 2024

Department of land record and survey has published a recruitment circular their this is a huge recruitment they have published about three thousand seventeen manpower they need this is the circular published from land bhaban here you can apply both male and female and from almost all districts You can apply this is a govt job you who have completed your studies or sat for SSC HSC exam also you can apply here here are post category 15 15 total manpower up to 3017 people so you can sit here You can apply from No. How to apply, when to apply, application start date, end date, everything has been discussed in detail, you will understand if you read my post completely, or if you follow the picture of the notification given by them, you will understand very easily. How to do everything

I think this job is very good for those who are sitting at home thinking how to apply or what to do. One thousand and seventeen manpower is required. This is a very big circular. So I think that if you apply, there is a high chance of getting a job. So, we will apply without sitting. Before applying here, we will check that the grade salary, salary scale and number of posts for each post. I will check and then according to your qualifications you will decide which post you are applying for. Orphans and physically challenged people of all districts can apply. Or orphans can also apply here. On the one hand, there are benefits for the disabled. Those who have the disabled quota can also get the benefits.

ভূমি রেকর্ড ও জরিপ অধিদপ্তর নিয়োগ ২০২৪

I will discuss a little about the interested candidates who are interested in applying or will apply here. There is an instruction for you. can go to the application and the start date of submission of application and what does it mean the start date of application starts from 24th March 2024 and last date for application is 30th April 2024 Any matter related to online application and recruitment test the decision of appointing authority will be considered final for all posts 24 3 24 Candidates age should be between 18 to 30 years as on March 2024 and 18 to 30 years between this date can apply.

Interested candidates have to pay the application fee within 72 hours after applying, if they don’t pay the application fee, the application will not be completed, so if you want to apply here, you must pay the application fee within 72 hours, both men and women can apply here. It is very important for those who apply who are residents of one district cannot apply as residents of other districts Candidates will have to appear in the written oral and practical examination where applicable No TADA will be given to the candidate for appearing in the examination during the oral examination. Educational Qualification Experience Pint copy and other original copies of online application should be shown You should carry experience copies of the posts for which you are applying for the post which mentions experience.

DLRS Job Total Vacancy

Total Post CategoryTotal Vacancies

DLRS Job Post Name and Vacancy Details

DLRS Job Post Name and Vacancy Details
SLPost NameVacancySalary
01Computer operator0411,000-26,590 Taka
02Surveyor27210,200-24,680 Taka
03Travels Surveyor109,700-23,490 Taka
04Computer139,700-23,490 Taka
05daps man2959,700-23,490 Taka
06driver129,700-23,490 Taka
07Nazir cum cashier179,700-23,490 Taka
08Office Assistant cum Computer Typist219,300-22,490 Taka
09Peshkar3789,300-22,490 Taka
10Record keeper2919,300-22,490 Taka
11Dismissal Assistant4749,300-22,490 Taka
12Caste exercise4229,300-22,490 Taka
13Copyist cum Bench Assistant4809,300-22,490 Taka
14office assistant1828,250-20,010 Taka
15Chainman1458,250-20,010 Taka

DLRS Job Application Eligibility

Interested candidates have to pay the application fee within 72 hours after applying, if they don’t pay the application fee, the application will not be completed, so if you want to apply here, you must pay the application fee within 72 hours, both men and women can apply here. It is very important for those who apply who are residents of one district cannot apply as residents of other districts Candidates will have to appear in the written oral and practical examination where applicable No TADA will be given to the candidate for appearing in the examination during the oral examination. Educational Qualification Experience Pint copy and other original copies of online application should be shown You should carry experience copies of the posts for which you are applying for the post which mentions experience.

All Information Related to DLRS Job Circular 2024

Land Record and Survey Department (DLRS) job circular 2024
Employer:Land Record and Survey Department (DLRS).
Post Name:Post names are given below.
Job Location:Office of the Civil Surgeon
Posts Category:15
Total Vacancies:3017
Job Type:Full time.
Job Category:Govt Jobs.
Gender:Both males and females are allowed to apply.
Age Limitation:On 24 March 2024, the age of general candidates should be 18 to 30 years and maximum 32 years for quota holders.
Educational Qualification:JSC or equivalent pass, SSC or equivalent pass, Diploma in Engineering pass and Graudate or equivalent pass.
Experience RequirementsFreshers are also eligible to apply
Districts:See the Govt Jobs circular image.
Salary:8,250-26,590 Taka
Other Benefits:As per government employment laws and Regulations.
Application Fee:112 and 223 Taka.
Source:The Daily Kalbela, 16 March 2024.
Application Start Date24.03.2024
Application Deadline:30.04.2024

How to make your application

  1. First of all, visit the : 
  2. Click on the “Application Form”.
  3. Select the position you want to apply for.
  4. Click on the “Next” button.
  5. If you are a premium member of alljobs.teletalk.com.bd, select “Yes”. Otherwise, select “NO”.
  6. Now the Petrobangla job application form will open.
  7. Fill in the application form correctly and go to the next step.
  8. Upload your recent color photo and signature photo.
  9. Then click on the “Submit Application” button.
  10. Finally, download your Petrobangla applicant’s copy and take a printout for future reference.

Application Fee Payment Method

Applicants can pay the Petrobangla job application fee by sending only 2 SMS from any Teletalk prepaid SIM within 72 hours after submission of the Petrobangla online application Form. Follow the SMS format below to pay the application fee.

(i) SMS: DLRS < Space> User ID send to 16222

Reply SMS: Applicant’s Name. Tk. 223-112 will be charged as an application fee.
Your PIN is (8 digit number) 87654321.

(ii) SMS: DLRS < Space> Yes < Space>PIN – send 16222 Number
Example: DLRS C YES 87654321

Reply SMS: Congratulations Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for DLRS Application for xxxxxxxxxxxxxx User ID is (FEDCBA) and Password (xxxxxxxx)

DLRS Admit Card

After applying online, the DLRS Admit Card will be available on the DLRS teletalk com bd website. Once the DLRS admit card is issued, the candidates will be notified via SMS to their mobile numbers. Candidates can download DLRS admit card using their User ID and password through http://dlrs.teletalk.com.bd

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